1. Select a pair to exchange
To begin the exchange process on fswap, select the cryptocurrency you want to exchange. Our platform provides a wide selection of cryptocurrencies, enabling you to choose from the most popular options. Simply select the cryptocurrency you want to exchange from the "Send" list and then the cryptocurrency you want to receive from the "Receive" list.
2. Enter the amount and address for receipt
After selecting the desired currency pair, indicate the amount of funds to exchange and enter the address to which you want to receive the funds. The amount in the "Receive" field will be automatically calculated based on the current exchange rate. Don't forget to fill in the "Destination Address" field, indicating the address to which you want to receive the exchanged funds. It is recommended that you check the address carefully to ensure a successful transaction.
3. Make a transfer
After completing the previous steps, proceed to transferring. You will be redirected to the exchange page, where the sending address and the exact amount of funds to be transferred will be indicated. We will notify you as soon as the funds are credited to our account.
4. Get cryptocurrency
Our platform will quickly exchange your cryptocurrency at the most profitable rate. The exchanged funds will be directly transferred to the wallet address you provided. Transactions typically take 5-15 minutes, but it may take longer due to network congestion. We guarantee that your funds will be deposited securely into your wallet.